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Military Veteran Peer Network
This program is supported by a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans’ Assistance. The Fund for Veterans’ Assistance provides grants to organizations serving veterans and their families. For more information, visit
The Military Veteran Peer Network is an affiliation of service members, veterans, and family members dedicated to establishing camaraderie and trust with each other, identifying and vetting community resources, and collectively contributing to the communities where we live.
We accomplish this goal through our commitment, training, and volunteerism. We train in peer support and mental health awareness so that not only can we care, but we can act and advocate appropriately. We volunteer as peers, peer group leaders, and citizens making a difference.
The Military Veteran Peer Network connects Veterans and their families to local, state, and national resources through an active group of Veteran peers.
We hold events, meetings, and programs to provide opportunities to meet other service members, Veterans, and their families in your community to build a network of support and understanding.
The Beaumont Chapter of MVPN partners with local, state, and national resources that offer services to service members, Veterans, and their families. We network with agencies and organizations who also provide Veteran friendly assistance with:
• Military-to-civilian transition counseling
• VA claims and benefits assistance
• Marital and family counseling
• Financial and legal assistance
• PTSD and TBI treatment
• Depression, anger, and anxiety
• Alcohol and substance abuse
• Military sexual trauma
• Education and job training
• Homeless assistance
• Extensive database of resources and services

Kyle Sommars
Military Veteran Peer Service Coordinator
Spindletop Center
Cell (409) 937-2846