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Image by Nathan Anderson

Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Spindletop Center provides assistance to people of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We provide an array of services that can help people improve their quality of life. Services include offering help in the areas of accessing medical, social, educational, and other appropriate services and life skills training.

Intake & Eligibility Determination

Screening is done to gather information to determine an individual’s need for services. This includes documenting an individual’s preference for services as well as placement on state Medicaid waiver Interest List(s). An eligibility determination is completed through an interview and assessment process to determine if an individual has an intellectual disability or is a member of the priority population which is the following:

  • An individual with an intellectual disability, as defined by the Texas Health and Safety Code

  • An individual with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

  • An individual with a related condition in the ICD-10-CM Diagnostic Codes who is eligible for and enrolling in ICF/IID, HCS, or TxHmL

  • A nursing facility resident who is eligible for specialized services for an intellectual disability or a related condition

  • A child who is eligible for Early Childhood Intervention Services through HHSC

  • An individual diagnosed by an authorized provider as having a pervasive developmental disorder through a diagnostic assessment completed before November 15, 2015

Continuity of Services

For individuals who desire to reside in a State Supported Living Center or an Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability (ICF/IID) and are not already receiving service coordination.

Service Coordination

Assistance in accessing medical, social, educational, and appropriate services and supports that will help an individual achieve a quality of life and community participation acceptable to the individual as described in the Plan of Services and Supports.


Additional services, based on eligibility, may include the following:

  • Community support

  • Respite

  • Employment assistance

  • Supported employment

  • Vocational training

  • Day habilitation

  • Nursing 

  • Behavioral support

  • Behavioral health services

  • IDD crisis intervention services


Services are provided to individuals with an intellectual disability or an autism spectrum disorder to achieve desired outcomes based on a person-centered planning philosophy. 


Note: Because the demand for Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) community-based services and supports often outweighs available resources, an applicant’s name may be placed on an interest list until services are available. However, some needs may be met through other programs until an applicant is offered a slot in the waiver program.

24-Hour Toll-Free Crisis Hotline: 1.800.937.8097

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