Our History
Spindletop Center acquired it’s name from the Spindletop oil gusher in Beaumont, TX that changed the world nearly 125 years ago. In 1901 a 100-foot drilling derrick named Spindletop produced a roaring gusher of black crude oil, coating the surrounding landscape with a black, sticky, goo. As the first major oil discovery in the United States, the Spindletop gusher marked the beginning of the American oil industry. Rich in history, and in oil, Southeast Texas has a strong commitment to service both locally and around the world!
Spindletop MHMR Services was formed September 1, 2000, when Beaumont State Center and Life Resource joined forces.. In January 2011, the name was revised to doing business as Spindletop Center.
Just as the Spindletop oil discovery ushered in a new age for America and Southeast Texas, Spindletop Center ushered in a new age in providing mental health, intellectual and developmental disabilities, early childhood intervention and chemical dependency services in Southeast Texas, providing services in Jefferson, Orange, Hardin, Chambers and Jasper counties. In 2017, Spindletop was asked to provide early childhood intervention services outside of their designated catchment area to Greater Galveston county.
Driven by the mission of helping others help themselves by providing resources and support, Spindletop Center has been compassionately doing so in the Southeast Texas community for twenty years. Spindletop Center provides services to over 16,000 distinct individuals each year, employs more than 500 full-time staff and is governed by a nine-member board of trustees appointed by the county commissioners' courts in the five-county area.
The Center is licensed by the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) to provide chemical dependency treatment services and is also contracted by HHSC to deliver mental health services.
We provide a variety of resources and supports to our community, including:
Mental Health Services
Substance Use Treatment
Early Childhood Intervention
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services
Crisis, Screening, and Assessment Services