ESC Mental Health Resource Coordinator
A collaborative effort between Region 5 ESC, Spindletop Center and Burke Center in fulfillment of requirements outlined in H.B. 19
What Can I Do?
Help find mental health resources for students and their families
Educate ISD employees on Trauma, Mental Health, and Grief
Participate on ISD committees in developing safe and supportive schools
Support substance use prevention activities for students
Increase awareness and understanding of mental health and co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders
Assist personnel in the implementation of initiatives related to mental health or substance use
Provide awareness of:
Best practice-based and research-based mental health programs and practices
Other public and private mental health and substance use programs
Facilitate Mental Health First Aid trainings
Facilitate trainings regarding the impact of grief and trauma
Facilitate substance misuse trainings
ESC Mental Health Resources
Social Media and Mental Health
Social Media and Mental Health for Students
Suicide Prevention for High School Students
Suicide Prevention for Middle School Students
You can contact our ESC Mental Health Resource Coordinator, Shan Guillory, LPC at:
(409) 926-4416
You can also subscribe to her newsletter here.